HCCM provides much more than just food for our clients. Besides clothing, coats, blankets, we also provide personal care and household products. The average annual cost of such items per household is $1300 (about $110 per month). We offer hygiene kits with each family’s monthly order, which contain shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, dish soap and a few rolls of toilet paper. Clients are also able to choose some other hygiene products from a variety of other items that have been donated, such as makeup, lotions, perfumes, etc. However, we do not always have a supply of these items.
Through our partnership with the Austin Diaper Bank we are also able to provide baby diapers, wipes, and period products. We distribute diapers to approximately 100 babies a month, period products to 150 families, and adult incontinence products to about 60 families every month.
HCCM has been partnering with the Austin Diaper Bank for about 8 years now. We are one of their local distribution centers for anyone who needs diapers. A family does not need to be one of our clients in order to receive diapers. They may receive two packs of diapers every month.
Many folks hold food drives at this time of year for us. However, we are currently very low on hygiene products and cleaning supplies, such as detergent and dish soap. If you are interested in helping our families in this manner, a hygiene drive would be very helpful at this time.
Thank you for your support!!